Lightspeed is committed to providing our founders with the capital and operating expertise they need to gain advantages in competitive markets and fully realize their potential. As the business environment evolves, the way we can best support founders evolves too—and today we see an opportunity to provide significant operating leverage by equipping our founders with data insights that they can’t easily get on their own.
That’s why we’re excited to announce that Eoin O’Mahony is joining Lightspeed as our Data Science Partner, allowing us to offer our portfolio companies a depth of data resourcing that few firms can match.
Eoin has deep expertise working with scaled technology companies to answer essential data questions that direct the future of their business. He spent most of the last eight years at Uber where he was Senior Director of Applied Science and used data science to improve nearly every critical aspect of the business. He was instrumental in improving Uber’s algorithms for matching drivers with riders, balancing supply and demand within Uber’s dynamic pricing strategies, and managing Uber’s increasingly complex catalog of delivery services, among many other initiatives.
Over his career, Eoin has learned how to build long-term data infrastructure. He understands that it’s crucial that companies make the right early calls about their data architecture—recording the right data in a way that enables fast, accurate strategic decisions down the line.
While a strong data science foundation is essential, it’s hard for many companies—early-stage companies in particular—to assemble the data science team required to build it well. That’s why at Lightspeed, Eoin will lead a team providing data science support to our portfolio companies. He’ll use a combination of external data and Lightspeed internal data to help companies understand what excellence looks like. Over 25 years, Lightspeed has invested in and supported many iconic startups that have grown into successful public companies. They’ve left behind a vast well of data that Eoin and his team will mine to quantify how best-in-class companies operate, conveying these insights to the next generation of Lightspeed founders.
Eoin holds a PhD and M.S. in Computer Science from Cornell University and a B.s.C in Computer science from University College Cork. He’s won multiple awards for excellence in advanced analytics and operations research. With Eoin’s addition, we’re excited to offer Lightspeed founders data science expertise that matches the support we already provide in other core operating areas.