

The secret to Faire’s success — Think global; Shop local.

Q&A with Jeff Kolovson, COO/co-founder at Faire

AT: Where did the core insight for Faire come from?

JK: While Max was at Square, he spent his weeks building products for merchants and small business owners, seeing the impact they could have. On the weekends, he would go to trade shows as a small business owner. He experienced the pain points of having to take orders on clipboards, waited for checks in the mail, and had no insight into where his umbrellas were selling through. He quickly realized that independent retailers were extremely adept at curating and selling products their customers wanted to buy, as opposed to mass merchandised retailers. From this firsthand experience, Max gained the insight that building products and services for these business owners would level the playing field and help them to compete. Our collective lens into the wholesale space came through that experience.

AT: I remember your co-founder Max Rhodes telling me early on that what Faire does best is help small entrepreneurs manage risk. Can you share the logic behind that statement?

JK: Whether you’re an online retailer or brick-and-mortar, agreeing to carry a new product is really scary. You’re already operating on slim margins, and maximizing the gross profit per square foot of your store is critical. Taking on a whole bunch of new inventory that doesn’t sell can be devastating. So we asked ourselves: “How do we lessen the risk for retailers?” The answer we came up with was net-60 payment terms and free returns. Retailers only end up paying for what they actually sell. That provided the confidence to purchase products sight unseen without the anxiety of worrying whether anyone would buy them. Underwriting the risk for retailers fundamentally changed their experience.

AT: Another key differentiator is how Faire aggregates data and uses it to essentially underwrite wholesale purchases. How important is data to your success?

JK: Helping retailers make better decisions about which products to carry is critical. By applying machine learning to aggregated data, we’re able to make recommendations about what products are likely to be more popular in a particular region or for a particular kind of customer. This is data that wasn’t available a decade ago. We use it to improve the retailers’ shopping experience and make it easier for them to buy goods online.

AT: One of the canonical challenges of serving SMB customers is user acquisition. How did Faire overcome that challenge?

JK: Acquiring new customers is hard, but if you have a really compelling product there are ways to do it. One of the most clever things Square did was make every interaction with a customer a marketing impression. The branding of the device was super intentional, and even the receipts were designed with that in mind.

AT: We’re living in a world of supply chain disruption, in part due to the COVID pandemic. What is Faire’s experience of this disruption?

JK: The COVID journey was a bit of a roller coaster, but I think our customers ended up doing really well. The pandemic accelerated trends that were already underway in the shift from offline to online, especially for wholesale. Our retailers and brands were able to weather the storm and even find more efficient, lower cost ways to source goods and tools.

AT: In 2021, Faire went international. You’re now live in 15 of the biggest countries in Europe. How has that impacted the company?

JK: We’ve always fundamentally believed that a global marketplace is more powerful. For the first time ever, a brand in Italy can get an order from a retailer in Utah, and we handle the shipping, the taxes, and all the other cross-border issues in a frictionless way. It turns out that a brand in Bordeaux has a lot of the same motivations and values as one in Boston or Birmingham. They’re looking for distribution, retailers, or customers that resonate with their values.

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