

3 tips for growing your startup with Net Promotor Score

NPS in a nutshell

NPS is measured by asking your customers a simple question:

“On a scale from zero (‘not at all likely’) to ten (‘extremely likely’), how likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or colleague?”

Those who score a 9 or 10 are called “promotors.” Those who score a 0 to 6 are called “detractors.” To calculate the NPS of a group of respondents, you simply subtract the number of detractors from the number of promotors, divide by the number of respondents, and multiply by 100. NPS scores vary widely by industry, and even within a given industry:

Temkin Group Consumer Benchmark Survey, Q3 2015. (Source.)


Tip #1: Your NPS score should outperform the best large companies when you’re small, and normalize as you grow.

We are often asked what “good” looks like when it comes to NPS. The naive answer is that it depends on the industry you’re in, but for startups NPS should outperform any given large company in your space.

Tip #2: A high NPS can hide bad behaviors.

Say you have a 60+ NPS. That’s good, right? Maybe. Alternatively, you could be suffering from what I call the “free money distortion.”

Tip #3: Measure NPS at a point of finality in the customer journey.

NPS is highly sensitive to when it is applied. You want to engage the customer as close to the end of her journey as possible, so the experience will be top of mind. But, you also want to give her enough time to form an opinion of the product experience.

A closing thought: think longitudinally

We encourage the startups we work with to track their core metrics longitudinally (i.e. over time) and to correlate changes with underlying business decisions. That advice is no different for NPS. Did your decision to offer free returns increase NPS? Did your decision to outsource customer service lower it? What about that product change that promotes your more profitable listings in search results?

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