

Fat Protocols vs Fat Dapps vs Fat Wallets

Which crypto thesis would you pick?

Source: Giphy
  • In 2011, the crypto market cap reached hundreds of millions of dollars and leading platforms saw thousands of weekly new users.
  • In 2013, the market cap grew to tens of billions of dollars with tens of thousands of weekly new users.
  • In 2017, the market cap grew to hundreds of billions of dollars with millions of new users.
Source: Richard Burton via Twitter


Many people, including Joel Monegro, Chris Dixon, Fred Wilson and Albert Wenger, have drawn parallels between the current state of blockchain technology and the early days of the internet. In the case of the internet, the protocol layers (TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) produced huge value, but it was companies like Google and Facebook who actually captured the vast majority of this value.

Joel Monegro


All the value accretion in protocols is based on the assumption that these blockchains will ultimately end up being useful for more than just speculation. This is where Dapps (Distributed Applications) come in. Dapps are software that allow for a service to be created outside the control of any one entity. This could look like a decentralized version of an existing application (e.g. file storage) or an entirely new use case (e.g. self-sovereign identity). Lightspeed believes that Dapps have a bright future and will create a lot of value. But perhaps more importantly, they offer the potential to codify incentive structures that drive usage, and they reward those who contribute to their creation and development. This is the “fat Dapp thesis”. Today (July 2018) the top Dapps have less than a few thousand daily users, so it’s still early days. But Dapps pose great promise and some really exciting things are being built.

Source: DappRadar


Moving out one more layer from Dapps, we come to the end-user and the third of the proposed theses. If crypto is to really hit the mainstream, users will want generalized access to ‘the network’ with products that make using both protocols and Dapps accessible, simple and safe. The best analogies would be products like AOL and Netscape in the early days of the internet, Google, and Tencent today. As noted above, the bet here is that Crypto plays out just like the internet did, with protocols creating value but companies capturing value

Source: Giphy

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